Thursday, September 22, 2011

Better than sleep!

I'm a sleeper.

It's one of my best qualities.

I'm not much of a napper,

but give me the nighttime, and the moonlight, and I will sleep like the best of em'.

I'd like to call myself a pro even.

I normally hit the sack around 9:30 or 10:00.

I'm up by 6:30,

every day.

Weekend or weekday.

Every.  Day.
(emphasis on every day!)

But, those hours between 9:30 and 6:30 are the best.

If I perhaps, ehemmm... do not get those hours,
those divine 8 hours at the least,
I become...

how shall I say this?

A monster!!

Something happens and it is unexplainable.

I try not to be so monsterly, but without my sleep...
it just happens.
The monster is revealed.

And she aint purty.

But, give me my 8 hours, and I am up, smiling and running the entire day.

and quite delightful to be around.

And believe would much rather see me that way.

Well,  I didn't get them last night.

I pity the world in front of me today,

I will pray hard.

I wil do my best to smile and greet those innocent bystanders in the midst of my sleepless rage.

On my defense,

I went to bed a little past 9:00.

My normal routine.

I had my book and my booklight, and I was going to read a few minutes until my eyes slowly drifted down, bringing me to Sleepy Paradise.

before I knew it...

it was midnight!!

That's MIDNIGHT people!



I totally blame it on Francine Rivers.

We started a new book series at the Joli Blog.

We read a few chapters of a book, and once a week we have a discussion about it.

Inbetween the discussion on the book,
you can enjoy all kinds of topics discussed with our blog writers.

It's quite entertaining and enlightening.

The topics range from recipes, to marriage, to "how my husband acts like prince charming for our two little girls who are princesses", to overcoming struggles and insecurities, to the coolest fall trends and fashions.

It's a great place to visit and stay a while, if you have some free time in your day.

Oh yeh...

back to Mrs. Rivers.

Her book titled, Redeeming Love, is mind blowing!

Absolutely mindblowing!!

It is a fictional story based on the book of Hosea in the Bible.

It depicts God's unending love and Grace for us.

Let me tell you, this woman is talented!!

The book is amazing!

A-MA-ZA-ZING with a capital Zing!

And as I sit here, trying to figure out how I am going to get this cup of coffee directly into my veins,

I can't wait to pick the book back up and read some more!

I don't even care, that I'm tired to the point of not feeling like brushing my hair today,

I WILL read some more tonight!

Who needs sleep anyway?!

This book...

is better than sleep!

It's not too late to join in on the discussion.

Believe me, once you pick it up and begin to read, you will catch up in no time.

Get the book and join us!!

You won't regret it!!

Hosea 1:2-3

  When the LORD began to speak through Hosea, the LORD said to him, “Go, marry a promiscuous woman and have children with her, for like an adulterous wife this land is guilty of unfaithfulness to the LORD.” So he married Gomer daughter of Diblaim, and she conceived and bore him a son

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Proverbs 17:22 "A joyful heart is good medicine"


Hope your visit was a pleasant one. Be blessed and come back soon!