Saturday, June 19, 2010

Don't forget the gas!

I found myself in a pretty odd predicament the other day. Something that has never happened to me...happened. Something, in which caused me to be a little embarassed. But, I feel comfortable enough to share it with you, sense you already know that I occasionally experience flatulense in the kitchen. (Fancy word for "fart") I feel as though we have crossed the major line of humiliation, several blogs ago. The other day, I was on my way to work, and the unthinkable happened. I....ran out of gas on the highway. (I'm seeing the connection now, as I just typed those words, out of gas...I will give you a moment to chuckle.) I have never ran out of gas before. I've had this issue with my car for a while now. The "floaty thingy" (not sure what the real name I will just call it that) in my gas tank is apparently not floating correctly, so my fuel gage is always about a quarter of a tank off. When my gas tank light comes on, warning me to fill up...I actually have a quarter of a tank left. I have learned exactly how far I can drive before running out of gas...or so I thought. The other morning was one of those "rush out the door" days. And just a warning to you...anytime you rush out the door to go anywhere, something is bound to go wrong. I am pretty sure that is God's way of saying, "Slow it down a bit. What's the rush?" Well, like a rebellious teenager, who thinks she knows it all...I don't always listen. This was one of those days. I rushed all the kids in the car to get the day started. We were running late. I dropped my oldest daughter off to her job first. I noticed my tank light, and told myself that I had to stop and fill up. I had already gone through, the estimated gas limit in my mind, and it was time to get some gas. I started down the road, and knew in my mind which gas station I was going to stop at. I was in a rush and on my way to drop my son off at camp. I got distracted. Big mistake. I picked up the phone, and dialed my brother's number. I began a conversation and that's where things went very wrong. I totally passed up the exit that I had told myself earlier to stop at. I was in a rush, on the phone, and forgot to stop. I wish I could say that the conversation on the phone was worth what was about to happen, but I can't. It was something like, "What are yah doing this weekend? I watched this cool movie last night." Yeh...real important. I hung up the phone and kept driving. I drove, and drove, and drove. Until...I felt a quick sputter in my car. I was reminded at that very second...that I DIDN'T STOP FOR GAS!!! I had three kids in the car with me and only a few minutes to get my youngest to church camp. Oh brother!! I pulled over with three kids freaking out in the car! You could have sworn we were in the middle of the desert with no water or humans in sight. They were not comfortable with our new situation at all. So there I sat, on the side of a busy highway, with three panicking kids, hot early morning humidity, my empty gas tank and... my stupidity. I immediately called a co-worker, who thankfully, was only a few minutes down the road. He came within fifteen minutes or so and put me some gas. (Thank God for SuSu!) So I ask...why did I do that? Why did I even take a chance? Why do I count the miles until I run out of gas, instead of putting it as soon as the light comes on? Why do I let myself get distracted with meaningless stuff...and forget to fill up? Seems like this is the same song, but a whole new dance. I actually do this all the time. I do it in my walk with God all the time. I run on empty for days, forgetting to fill up with His word, prayer time, and alone time with Him...then I run out of gas. Left stranded, empty, filled with pride, and on the side of the highway with no where to go. It seems as though I allow the things of life to distract me from what I really need. I need Him! Just like my car can't run on an empty tank, neither can my prayer life. I chance it, then I find myself empty, frustrated and drained of everything I have to fuel in sight. Forgetting the whole time to, "Slow it down a bit, don't rush." I forget to rest. More importantly...I forget to rest in Him. I forget that I will find everything I need to help "this tank" I am living in, run properly and without being left stranded on the highway of life. I remember my mom always telling me, "If you need answers, go in your prayer closet. God will meet you there." Well, I don't know about you, but there are days that I need to go in my prayer closet, and have someone dead bolt me in! Nail the door shut! Put neon yellow caution tape and bright orange cones, all around the front of it! Don't forget the huge blinking sign that reads, "Stubborn woman inside! Do not disturb!" There are days that I just don't listen to my daddy. My heavenly Daddy. The one that is urging me through my busy hectic days, to just slow down a bit. But, I am too busy conquering the world, that I don't see Him running along side of me waving a gas can in His hands. Slow down! Your going to run out of gas! And I do. I run smack out of gas. I get depressed, weary, worried, flabbergasted, angry, tired, stupid...I could go on like this for pages and pages. You get the drift. Psalms 1:2-3, "But they delight in doing everything the Lord wants; day and night they think (meditate--NIV version) about his law. They are like trees planted along the riverbanks bearing fruit each season without fail. Their leaves never wither, and in all they do, they prosper." Joshua 1:8,, "This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day or night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success." To meditate means, "to be in continuous thought." Continuous...never ceasing! All day! Every day! I want to be that tree! I do not want to have my leaves wither! I want to prosper in everything I do! I want success in all things! The thing is, I can't ever get to continuous thought on Him, if I never turn the knob to open and enter the closet door. I must meditate every day! I must choose each day to serve Him. Remembering, that to serve Him is to know Him. To know Him, is spending time with Him. To spend time with Him, is to pray and read His word. That is where we will find our strength, our fuel, our peace, our will to keep moving forward, and the understanding. Don't get distracted! Fuel up today! Don't get stranded on the highway...unlock the door to your prayer, some one on one time with God...and enter in! Psalm 73:17, "I did not understand until I entered the sanctuary of God."

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